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Contract Addresses

The USD e-money is currently available for production and testnet use on the blockchains listed below. Further support for more blockchains is planned.

USD e-money implementation on the EVM is programmed in Solidity.

Testnet Contracts

Please note that testnet contract addresses may change from time to time and are not subject to the same operational or security policies as the production environment.


Smart Contracts

Contract NameAddressBlock explorer link
ERC1967 Proxy0x03EA574de701110FA898C774B5D2D7Feb6e23bC2View on Etherscan ↗

Associated roles

RoleAddressBlock explorer link
BLOCKED_ROLEAddresses with this role are not listed here.
For more information, please see Blocklisting
BLOCKLISTER_ROLE0x0e3E09Af8f2839535c4FF3543D8f435300a7671FView on Etherscan ↗
BURNER_ROLE0xBB73202616f373E7dFC229C501D1225B55a37Ae8View on Etherscan ↗
DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE0x9554754244c282E226348523FFBe975FceC2EaAcView on Etherscan ↗
MINTER_ROLE0xBB73202616f373E7dFC229C501D1225B55a37Ae8View on Etherscan ↗
PAUSER_ROLE0x0e3E09Af8f2839535c4FF3543D8f435300a7671FView on Etherscan ↗
PROXYOWNER_ROLE0x9554754244c282E226348523FFBe975FceC2EaAcView on Etherscan ↗
RESCUER_ROLE0x0e3E09Af8f2839535c4FF3543D8f435300a7671FView on Etherscan ↗
UNPAUSER_ROLE0x0e3E09Af8f2839535c4FF3543D8f435300a7671FView on Etherscan ↗

Identifiers in third party systems


Please note that the information provided in this section may be outdated or inaccurate. The information is only for convenience. Please check the identifiers with the third party prior to using them in production environments.

BlockchainFireblocks API ID (US)DTIF ID